A large multi-national hospitality organization recently used Interel's Mosaic learning device to conduct a key learning activity for 1,400 General Managers, Sales Managers and Marketing Managers at a Global Conference. The key objectives of the session included giving participants:

  • A clear understanding of their role as leaders in building world-class brand recognition for the organization.
  • An improved ability to recognize the emotions and different perspectives of others and to leverage that information to create positive memorable experiences for guests and associates.

Participants assembled in breakout rooms with six, six-person teams in each room. Each team was issued a Mosaic Puzzle Kit and Mosaic 3D style eyewear. The learning task required team members to use the eyewear to decode an encrypted image presented on a light box at the front of the room. The teams then collaborated to construct a mosaic puzzle using colored plastic tiles that includes the image they saw on the light box.

The key learning challenge for participants was created by covertly issuing two distinct types of eyewear to each team. The two types of eyewear issued caused half of the members of each team to see a red image, and the other half of the team to see a distinctly different blue image, when they viewed the encrypted image.

The debriefing discussions that followed built on the activity by having participants relate their experiences during the activity to real work experiences, and then, by using the success strategies for the activity, to stimulate discussions about ways to implement the key objectives of the session.

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